        The United States is optimistic about the fast reaching of the NAFTA agreement a

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The United States trade representative Wright chize Wednesday to quickly complete the relevant amendments to the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) negotiations are optimistic, but Canadian trade representative is pessimistic, said there are still a lot of work to do.
The United States hopes to speed up the Procrastination of the North American free trade agreement negotiations, saying it is necessary to complete the presidential election in Mexico in July 1st.
"I want to say I hope - I think we are making progress. I think the three parties are hoping to move forward, because the election and other things beyond our control, the rest of the time window is small, "Wright chize told CNBC television.
"But if we really work hard to finish negotiations, make compromises, do something we know we should do, and I am optimistic about our next few principles.
However, Canada's chief negotiator, Steve Verheul, said, "we still have a lot of work to do." in his speech to reporters, he pointed out that the US side had not yet explained what the agreement in principle meant.
The officials of the three countries should hold the eighth round of talks in the United States next month, but the US side has not announced the date yet.
The contents of about 30 chapters have only been completed in six. There are still great differences around many sensitive topics, such as the way to solve trade disputes, and the proportion of North American components that should be included in the three NAFTA countries.

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