        Trump victory or will lead to Europe and the United States free trade agreement

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The United States is about to embrace a protectionist president, and Europe's skepticism about the US under Trump may affect prospects for a transatlantic free trade agreement between the EU and the United States.

Trump insisted that international trade agreements would hurt American workers and the nation's competitiveness, but it was not clear how much the policies he implemented after he took office would have much in common with his program.

"If the world's largest economy is on the road to protectionism, the world will be affected and we can only hope that he does not really do that," said Thilo Brodtmann, president of the German Machinery and Equipment Manufacturers Association (VDMA).

EU and US officials have been negotiating for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement (TTIP) for more than three years, and both sides acknowledge that it will be difficult to get there in time for Mr Obama's term.

"The TTIP is history," Bernd Lange, chairman of the European Parliament's International Trade Commission, told the online magazine when asked about the impact of Trump's election on the trade talks.

Germany is more cautious about this, and when a press conference asked whether TTIP has been hopeless, Merkel's spokesman Steffen Seibert replied: "is not the case." German exporters have done very well in globalization and free trade.

"It is still too early to assess the impact of Trump's win, but it is inevitable that there will be an interruption, no matter who wins," said Mamstrom, the EU's trade commissioner.

"How long will it last? It's hard to say ... there's a lot of uncertainty," she said.

The US ambassador to the EU, Anthony Gardner, told Reuters that TTIP remained important for economic and strategic reasons. Gardner admits that the challenge is to convince more people that free trade is an opportunity rather than a risk.

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